Place an order

Right after you made a payment, you will be able to download your files in your computer.
You will receive an email with your order details and the link to download your files afterward as well.


To install the presets in Lighroom and Photoshop:



  1. Go to menu: Lightroom>Preferences >Presets
  2. Click on: Show Lightroom Develop Presets, a new window will open called “Camera Raw“,  Double click on “Settings” folder
  3. Copy your unzipped folder(s) of your presets into the opened folder “Settings
  4. Restart Lightroom.  Your presets will appear both on LR and Photoshop Camera Raw.

Alternatively, open finder and go to Users>YOUR NAME>Library>Application Support>Adobe>Camera Raw> Settings



  1. Go to menu: Edit>Preferences>Presets
  2. Click on: Show Lightroom Develop Presets. A new window will open called “Camera Raw“,  Double click on “Settings” folder
  3. Copy the unzipped folder(s) of your presets into the opened “Settings” folder
  4. Restart Lightroom.  Your presets will appear both on LR and Photoshop Camera Raw.

Alternatively, open file explorer and and copy- paste the directory C:\Users\{your username}\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\Settings




To use the Mysteria Light presets you need to have the latest versions of Lightroom CC/Classic and Photoshop 

What about refunds?

We don’t accepts refunds due to specific type of product.


For any question or troubleshooting sent us an email at: